5 Ways to Stay Grounded During the Holidays (That You Didn’t Try Last Year)
Feeling caught in the holiday frenzy? Take a minute to try one of these surprising tactics that’ll help you feel more sane—immediately.
Let’s face it: Even the most grounded among us can get caught up in the buzz of the season. If you find yourself forgetting the essence of this festive time, try these five tips to help you bring in some super-grounding energy.
1. Book that body work you’ve been thinking about
Massage, acupuncture, chiropractic—whatever you’ve been considering, now’s the time to make an appointment. Low on time or cash? Take five minutes and simply rub your feet. Soak them afterwards while you’re at it. This is the time of year to remember that you body is a temple, and bodywork—whether by a pro or DIY—is a great way to love on it.
2. Sing—or scream
Or, even better, do both! Maybe you sing in the shower, your car or, heck, on your (long) walk back to your car when you’re parked at the mall. If you’re nervous about singing in public, try whistling. One of my favorite things to do is put on my headphones and chant as I cruise through the mall. And if you’ve never tried intentionally screaming, give it a go—and watch any frustration, stress and anxiety melt away.
See also: Need To Scream It Out? There’s a Meditation For That.

3. Turn your to-do list into an accomplishment list
Sure, that to-do list is there to help you keep track of all of the stuff you need to get done. Yet constantly crossing off (even though that may feel great) and replacing to-dos can make happiness and success feel unattainable. My trick: At the end of each day, make an accomplishment list. I know, just another thing to do, right? Stay with me here. Right before you go to sleep, think about three things you’ve accomplished that day. It could be anything. I find it helps put me into a mindset of success, accomplishment, and happiness—which helps me knock off those remaining to-dos even faster the next day.
See also: 15 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better
4. Park far away from the front door
Parking lots are notorious for being busy and crazy-making, but chances are that in the back there are open spaces. You’ll be able to park quicker and get out easier (after all, you’re closer to the exit!), deal with less traffic and get some extra steps in.
5. Keep your tech in check
Take just 20 minutes when you’re usually on your phone, scrolling through Instagram, and dedicate that time to sending some love notes and holiday cards. The interesting thing about our technology is that it can create low levels of anxiety during an already anxious time of year.
See also: What Texting Does to Your Neck—And 7 Yoga Sequences to Fix It
About the Author
Julian DeVoe is a yoga teacher, movement specialist, and the author of Robust Vitality. Learn more at juliandevoe.com.
From: Yoga Journal