For women, hormone balance is key to overall health—affecting moods, weight, sleep, and much more.
Health conditions from A to Z
For women, hormone balance is key to overall health—affecting moods, weight, sleep, and much more.
Homeopathic remedies can help tame the PMS monster.
Knock out symptoms fast with these stand-out natural remedies.
Yoga, particularly sun salutations, can get your heart rate up and tone muscle, both of which promote calorie burning.
Nutrition, supplements—and the power of the mind Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is a shocking, life-changing moment.
From billboards to freeway lights to computers to bedside clocks, artificial lighting bombards our nights. But is this overabundance of illumination wreaking havoc with our natural circadian rhythms-and our health?
Put the cell phone down and step away from the computer. It’s time to unplug.
Staying in shape benefits bone, balance, and overall quality of life—and it’s never too late to start.
Amino acids, protein’s chemical “building blocks,” have some surprising health benefits.
Protect and strengthen your back with these 3 moves from Yoga Tune-Up's Jill Miller
If you have either of these conditions, you’ll want to know about 5 specific nutrients that are vital to healthy vision.