Put an End to Eczema
While conventional prescription creams provide temporary relief, homeopathy can treat the underlying causes of this irritating skin condition.
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There are over 30 million Americans with atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. It manifests as an angry, raised red rash, which is typically very itchy. If scratched, it may bleed. Often this skin disorder will start in childhood.

Western medicine will say there is no cure for eczema. All it can offer is creams that provide temporary relief. But there are homeopathic remedies intended to treat the root causes of the problem. Here are just a few, along with the specific sets of symptoms they’re designed to address.
Graphites is used to treat eczema that thrives in warm, moist places such as the folds of the elbows, behind the knees, behind the ears, and between the toes. Warmth, such as a hot shower, typically worsens the symptoms, while cool air and water provide relief.
Petroleum oleum is a crude oil that’s used to make Vaseline. In a homeopathic form, it’s also used for eczema that lives in the folds of the skin. In these cases, the skin is very dry and chapped, and will crack, especially in the winter. Skin can appear dirty, hard, rough, and thick, like parchment. It’s slow to heal, and often cracks and bleeds easily. When the skin is scratched, it burns. The skin can be sensitive to clothing, especially wool.
Psorinum is useful for severe itching that leads to constant scratching. Eczema will ooze a thick secretion with a foul discharge. Typically, the eczema manifests near the ears and scalp. Hands and feet feel hot and itchy. Being cold and out in the open can worsen symptoms. These skin issues tend to clear up in the summer and reappear in wintertime. Heat, warm clothing, washing, and being in a room with no cold drafts often improve symptoms.
Sulphur is known as a polycrest, which is Greek for “many uses.” It’s used to treat eczema that’s itchy enough to cause violent, damaging scratching, which is often followed by a burning sensation. Skin is slow to heal-every little wound seems to fester and exude a foul, rotten-egg-like odor. The skin is also typically very dry, scaly, and unhealthy looking, and the itching may also cause a restless feeling in the body. Symptoms worsen from being exposed to cold air, wind, and water, while dry, warm weather, motion, and drawing up affected limbs towards the torso often bring temporary relief.
Rhus toxicodendron, or Rhus tox, is used to treat eczema that’s found on the face and scalp, and around the mucous membranes. The skin feels painful and sensitive to cold air. The eczema will be dry and crusty, and very itchy. Scratching and hot water often bring relief. This type of eczema is often accompanied by joint stiffness that can be eased with movement. Lying or sitting for too long can make symptoms worse, while a hot bath can improve them.
Homeopathy works best when treating the whole person. When looking at skin remedies, find one that most closely matches your specific symptoms. In general, dilutions of 30C and 6C are best for minor issues, while 1M, 3X, and 200 CK are better suited to more serious conditions. A homeopath can help you navigate through the process to find the best remedy and dilution for you.
Case Study
Since starting my practice in 1995, I’ve treated countless different skin issues. One of my favorite stories concerns a 3-year-old little girl. She came in wearing long sleeves and long pants. She had eczema in the folds of her skin. She would scratch it until it bled and oozed a yellow liquid. Within weeks of being treated with homeopathy, her eczema started to clear up. Two months later is was about 80 percent gone, and after three months, it was 100 percent gone.
When looking at skin remedies, find one that most closely matches your specific symptoms.
Boiron single remedies

Dr. King’s Natural Medicine Skin Irritations & Itch Relief

Newton HomeopathicsEczema ~ Skin Care