Summer Remedy Kit
Homeopathic remedies for motion sickness, sunburn, poison ivy, and bug bites.
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No matter where you’re headed this summer, it’s a good idea to have a homeopathic remedy kit that’s small enough to take along with you. Certain remedies are a must for any trip. Here are the essentials for the summer’s most common issues.
Motion Sickness
Use the remedy below that best matches your specific symptoms, or simply reach for Nux vomica, which can be used in any case of motion sickness. Combination formulas are also available.
Tabacum: pale and clammy complexion; lying still with your eyes closed eases motion sickness; cigarette smoke may worsen nausea.
Petroleum: you may start feeling hungry for small amounts of food and have an increase in saliva; gas and exhaust fumes may contribute to your motion sickness.
Cocculus: your symptoms get worse at the sight, smell, or thought of food; chilly air also worsens symptoms; you might feel dizzy and nauseated or need to lie down; noise and cold weather intensify symptoms.
Nux vomica: This remedy is helpful for all types and symptoms of motion sickness. It is usually added to combination products formulated for motion sickness.
Nux vomica is helpfulfor all types and symptoms of motion sickness.
Add the following remedies to your kit for sunburn relief, and pick the one that best matches your symptoms:
Cantharis: pain and/or difficulty sleeping from sunburn pain.
Belladonna: a bright-red sunburn (an “angry-looking” burn) accompanied by a headache and/or chills.
Urtica urens: sun poisoning characterized by itchy, stinging eruptions; this remedy is also helpful if you develop itchy welts after swimming in the ocean.
Poison Ivy, Oak, & Sumac
For poison ivy, oak, or sumac, the best homeopathic remedy to use is Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox.). Start with a potency of 30c. If your rash worsens (e.g., it continues to spread and remains extremely itchy), try a higher potency- 200c or 1m. But don’t let the rash get too bad before switching to another remedy if Rhus tox doesn’t work. Two other helpful formulas to consider:

Anacardium orientale: large blisters; filled with yellow fluid; extreme swelling, especially on the face.
Croton tiglium (Croton tig.): inflamed eruptions that may burn.
How Much Should You Take?
Start with a low potency-12c or 30c-and increase the potency to 200c or 1M if needed

Bug Bite Relief & Protection
For bee, wasp, mosquito, and other bug bites, try:
Apis mellifica:
This remedy helps ease pain and swelling associated with bee and wasp stings. It’s also great for treating allergic reactions and swellings from vaccinations, other insect bites, thorns, hives, rashes, welts, and even swollen joints. All are aggravated by heat and made better by cold. Note that swelling of the eyelids, ears, throat, lungs, and/or limbs is a sign of a severe reaction that requires immediate medical attention. Apis can be given in cases of anaphylactic shock on the way to the hospital.
Staphysagria: This homeopathic remedy helps ease complications of mosquito and other insect bites, including excessive itching or swelling.
Of course, preventing bites in the first place is your best medicine, and essential oil-based bug repellents are an effective, toxin-free way to protect yourself and your family from mosquito and tick bites. Try: Quantum Health Buzz Away Extreme. This clinically studied formula combines geranium, citronella, cedarwood, lemongrass, and other potent essential oils into an easy-to-use spray form. One application offers protection against mosquitoes for four hours and against ticks for two-and-a-half hours.
Product Picks
King Bio
Poison Ivy & Oak Relief

Motion Sickness

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