6 Weeks to a Pain-Free Life
Our editors have created a 6-week newsletter series that tackles various types of pain, and offers expert insight on combating it—naturally!
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Whether it’s a backache, migraine, or arthritis, everyone experiences pain at some point in life. Fortunately, most pain is fleeting. But for an estimated 100 million Americans, pain is a part of daily life—making it more prevalent than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined! Instead of popping handfuls of potentially harmful pills that provide only short-term relief, we’re here to help you beat the pain game for good using targeted natural remedies. Over the next six weeks, we’ll cover the following pain-related topics:
Week 1: Pain Explained: Why Different Types Require Different Treatments
Week 2: Reclaim Healthy Joints & Ease Arthritis
Week 3: Vanquish Back and Neck Pain
Week 4: Managing Acute Pain (such as migraines, menstrual cramps, and pulled muscles)
Week 5: Tame Nerve Pain (such as sciatica and neuropathy)
Week 6: Soothe Abdominal & IBS Pain
Stop letting pain rule your life. Natural therapies get to the root cause of pain and come with little to no side effects—and best of all, they really work!
This series will start Wednesday, September 19th, don’t wait to register!
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