Morning Sickness
5 natural cures for nausea. Pregnancy can be a time of joy … and, often, also of morning sickness.
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5 natural cures for nausea

Pregnancy can be a time of joy … and, often, also of morning sickness. The nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness can happen any time of day—not just in the morning. It is thought to be caused by the rapid rise of estrogen during pregnancy as well a pregnancy hormone called hCG.
Lori Bregman, founder of Rooted for Life (, a holistic support program for moms-to-be, recommends these natural remedies to ease symptoms.
- Grab Some Ginger:Take ginger capsules, drink ginger tea, or slice or grate fresh ginger into hot water or tea.
- Think Zinc (And Vitamin B6): Take zinc supplements, as well as vitamin B6 (often found in prescription morning-sickness drugs) every 8 hours. Also, brewer’s yeast is high in B vitamins, which prevent nausea; it can be sprinkled on foods such as cereal or rice.
- Have a Cup of Tea: Raspberry leaf, peppermint, and anise teas can all be helpful for morning sickness.
- Get Help from Homeopathy: Bregman suggests nux vomica (6X) or ipecac (30X) as needed. Or place two drops of Bach’s Rescue Remedy (a blend of flower essences) under your tongue as needed.
- Put it On Ice:Try Bregman’s Lemon Ice Cubes: Mix 1 quart of water with the juice of 2–4 lemons, depending on how much
tartness you prefer. If you want more sweetness, add stevia to taste. Pour into an ice tray, freeze, and suck on the cubes, or crush them and eat. Lemons have a calming effect and have been known to help relieve nausea.
Healthy tip!
If your prenatal supplement makes you feel nauseous, try taking your vitamin with a meal or snack, or right before you go to bed.
Picking a Prenatal
If your prenatal supplement makes you feel nauseous, try taking your vitamin with a meal or snack, or right before you go to bed.
- Consider the Source. Certain forms of vitamins are better absorbed or better for your baby. For example, folic acid is important, but look for it as folate—the natural version of folic acid (vitamin B6)—on labels. Beta-carotene is the safest source of vitamin A. Vitamin D3 is better absorbed than other forms of vitamin D. Choosing a food-grown prenatal ensures you are getting nonsynthetic vitamins, which are easier for your body to recognize and absorb.
- Go for Organic and non-GMO Formulas. Minimize your baby’s exposure to toxins by choosing a prenatal that’s organic and/or non-GMO certified.
- Which Form is Right for You? Liquid, gummies, or powder formulas are easier to swallow for some pregnant women, especially as the added calcium in many prenatal supplements makes them extra bulky and hard to swallow.
- Digestive Distress? The extra iron you need during pregnancy can aggravate constipation, a common side effect of pregnancy. Consider a prenatal formula with added fiber or taking an extra fiber supplement (along with drinking plenty of water). Gluten-free formulas and prenatals that include probiotics are also a good idea.
- Special Additions: Ginger, zinc, and vitamin B6 are included in some formulas to help alleviate morning sickness.
- Extra, Extra: You need larger doses of some nutrients when pregnant. Some biggies: Vitamin D, iodine, and iron. General dosages are included in prenatal formulas, but be sure to have your levels tested by a doctor, as you could have a preexisting deficiency that could require additional supplementation.
- Sometimes, Less is More: Too much of some vitamins can be toxic to your baby. For example, you should not take more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A daily. More than 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily can be dangerous for your baby.
- The Issue with Fish: A few servings of fatty fish a week is recommended during pregnancy as the omega-3s in fish (particularly DHA) are critical to brain development. Because concerns over mercury remain, look for a purified fish-oil supplement. The American Pregnancy Association recommends pregnant and lactating women get a minimum of 300 mg DHA daily.

Garden of Life MyKind Organics Prenatal Multi

SmartyPants Prenatal Folate + Omega 3 + Vitamin D3

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