Natural Acid Reflux Remedies for When You Are Feeling the Burn
Treat the cause of heartburn, and get off OTC acid blockers for good.
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Although acid blockers can be helpful, the way they are being used in this country seems to be based on profit rather than sanity. There is a reason why the OTC acid blocker boxes have warnings that read, “Not to be used for more than two weeks.” Yet they are often sold in boxes that give a six-week supply!

The problem? Although OK for short-term use, long-term use of acid blockers is associated with a markedly increased risk of bone thinning (osteoporosis), as well as nutritional deficiencies that contribute to problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, instead of solving the problem, these medications may be addictive. You may have noticed this when you try to stop them suddenly.
Did you know…
Long-term use of acid blockers is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, as well as nutritional deficiencies.
The solution? Instead of blocking acid production, improve digestion! Basically, digestion requires adequate stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Historically, most of these enzymes were present in the food that we ate, as they caused the food to ripen. About 40 years ago, food processors learned that by destroying the enzymes present in the food, they could achieve a very long shelf life. Instead of an ear of corn being good for five days, it was turned into cereal that would last for millennia.
Unfortunately, removing the enzymes made the food indigestible, causing indigestion. When the food sits in the stomach unable to be digested, after about an hour the stomach hits the “return to sender” button, and you get acid reflux.
So here’s how to heal your digestion in two months, relieving symptoms and allowing you to come off of acid blockers:
- Give your body what it needs to digest food.
- Take plant-based digestive enzymes with your meal. Most enzymes are animal-based, and work only in a narrow pH (acid–base) range. Plant-based enzymes work across many levels of acidity and alkalinity, and are much more effective.
- Add a little bit of acidity with your meals, unless you have a history of stomach ulcers or gastritis. You can do this by taking two tablets of betaine HCl with large meals, or make a salad dressing containing apple cider or rice vinegar.
Step 2:

- Certain supplements can help heal the stomach’s protective mucous lining and restore overall digestive health.
- You will find DGL licorice to be wonderfully healing to your stomach. Take DGL capsules according to instructions.
- Instead of taking calcium antacids, which can increase heart attack risk when used long-term, use magnesium-based chewable antacids. These are heart-healthy.
DGL capsules can help to heal the stomach by restoring its protective lining.
Step 3:
If symptoms persist, it may be necessary to kill a bacterial infection called H. pylori. This can often be done without antibiotics by using supplements containing sea buckthorn oil.
After six weeks of the above, most people will find that their indigestion has gone away, and with their holistic practitioner’s OK, they can start to lower their dose of OTC acid blockers.