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7 Reasons You Have Sore Muscles

Sidestepping these common mistakes when exercising can prevent achy muscles and joints.

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Effective exercise challenges your body, making it work harder than usual, and along the way, there will be some soreness here and there. But how much is too much? The trick is to find a happy point where you know you’ve made progress but it feels good, rather than debilitating.

“When we get some of that good, kind of moderate soreness in an area that maybe we haven’t felt before, it’s a good indication that we’ve actually challenged the body,” says Cris Dobrosielski, author of Going the Distance, owner of Monumental Fitness in San Diego, and a senior fitness expert for the American Council on Exercise.

On the other hand, he says, “If you find yourself being so beat up that it takes you three or four days to recover or it’s hard to get out of bed, then you clearly went further than you should have.” Pain or discomfort in the back or joints is another sign of overdoing it, or of doing a move incorrectly.

These, says Dobrosielski, are common reasons for sore muscles:

1. Working too long

The distance you run or the number of times you repeat a movement, such as lifting a weight, increases too quickly. Going from a 45-minute spin class to a 90-minute one is another example. Increase the time or number of repetitions more gradually.

2. Working too intensely

To avoid a plateau, the intensity of any exercise should increase, but bit by bit. For example, if you’re walking or running on treadmill at a 2-percent incline, suddenly shifting to 12 percent is too sudden. Go up to 4 percent, then 6, then 8, and work up to 12.

3. Starting too suddenly

Staying hydrated will reduce soreness. And, within 15 minutes of a workout, consuming about 10 grams of protein and some carbohydrates, such as half a banana, will enhance repair and recovery.

Your body needs to warm up. Dobrosielski recommends a combination of stretching and light aerobic movements, such as easy-going jumping jacks, or some stretches and marching or jogging in place, so that joints loosen up and muscles are literally warmer.

4. Stopping too suddenly

Cooling down helps your body to eliminate waste products generated during more intense exercise, lengthens muscles, and reduces soreness. After running, gradually slow down to a walk; after weight lifting, walk or do a light jog.

5. Getting stuck in a rut

Doing the same type of exercise all the time puts more stress on the same muscles. Vary activities, such as alternating yoga with running or weightlifting.

6. Not enough water and food

Staying hydrated will reduce soreness. And, within 15 minutes of a workout, consuming about 10 grams of protein and some carbohydrates, such as half a banana, will enhance repair and recovery.

Healthy tip!

Within 15 minutes of a workout, consuming protein and some carbs will enhance recovery.

7. Not enough sleep

Even if you don’t increase the intensity or amount of exercise, lack of sleep can eventually make you sore, because your body won’t be able to repair itself. “Deep sleep” says Dobrosielski, “is a really profound place for recovery, growth, and physical health development.”

Decrease Inflammation

A proprietary blend of esterfied fatty acids, NATURAL FACTORS CELADRIN has been shown in published clinical trials not only to promote joint health by relieving joint pain, but it also helps reduce muscle stiffness and aides in the recovery of sports injuries.

David Foreman, RPh, is a pharmacist, author, and media personality known as “The Herbal Pharmacist.” He currently serves on Organic & Natural Health Association’s Scientific Advisory Board.

A proprietary blend of esterfied fatty acids, NATURAL FACTORS CELADRIN has been shown in published clinical trials not only to promote joint health by relieving joint pain, but it also helps reduce muscle stiffness and aides in the recovery of sports injuries. Natural Factors Celadrin works by decreasing inflammation and enhancing cell fluidity, restoring the fluids that cushion bones and joints. In human studies, subjects have experienced significant reduction in pain and swelling, as well as increased range of motion.

MEET THE EXPERT: David Foreman, RPh, is a pharmacist, author, and media personality known as “The Herbal Pharmacist.” He currently serves on Organic & Natural Health Association’s Scientific Advisory Board. 

Natural Pain Relief

TERRY NATURALLY CURAMIN is amazing for relieving occasional muscle aches and pains and helping people get active again.

Cheryl Myers is an integrative health nurse, author, and expert on natural medicine. She is the head of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, Inc.

One of the biggest reasons people stop exercising is post-exercise pain. In fact, some people start to avoid tasks associated with overexertion, like gardening or hiking, because they experience pain afterward. TERRY NATURALLY CURAMIN is amazing for relieving occasional muscle aches and pains and helping people get active again. The combination of curcumin and boswellia in this formula is clinically proven for safe, effective pain relief. Nattokinase is added for its ability to support healthy microcirculation.

MEET THE EXPERT: Cheryl Myers is an integrative health nurse, author, and expert on natural medicine. She is the head of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, Inc.

Must-Have For Weekend Warriors

Type 2 collagen is a “must-have” supplement for athletes and weekend warriors whose joints suffer from wear and tear. Patented HEALTH LOGICS BIOCELL COLLAGEN features highly absorbable hydrolyzed collagen type II, which has been clinically shown to support joint and skin health.

Rehan Jalali, CSN, is president of the Supplement Research Foundation. He is author of The Six-Pack Diet Plan and The Sports Supplement Buyers Guide. His clients include Oscar-winning actors, Grammy-winning musicians, Emmy-winning TV stars, and professional athletes including Olympians.

Type 2 collagen is a “must-have” supplement for athletes and weekend warriors whose joints suffer from wear and tear. Patented HEALTH LOGICS BIOCELL COLLAGEN features highly absorbable hydrolyzed collagen type II, which has been clinically shown to support joint and skin health. BioCell Collagen contains naturally occurring hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate that’s been “depolymerized” (broken down) for superior bioavailability. BioCell Collagen supports healthy joint function by strengthening cartilage and the joint structure, promoting joint cushioning, and having some anti-inflammatory effects. Bonus—it supports healthy skin by increasing skin hydration.

MEET THE EXPERT: Rehan Jalali, CSN, is president of the Supplement Research Foundation. He is author of The Six-Pack Diet Plan and The Sports Supplement Buyers Guide. His clients include Oscar-winning actors, Grammy-winning musicians, Emmy-winning TV stars, and professional athletes including Olympians.   

Harness the Wisdom of Nature

NEW CHAPTER ZYFLAMEND WHOLE BODY is a potent 10-herb blend that includes dual extracts of pure ginger to relieve occasional pain and soreness that can occur after exercise.

Paul Schulick is the founder, master herbalist, and chief formulator of New Chapter. He the author of the book Ginger: Common Spice & Wonder Drug.

What I’ve learned from my studies in herbalism and as a product formulator is that the innate wisdom of nature can support a healthy inflammation cycle. Key botanicals have long been allies for humankind, including one of my favorite herbs: ginger. NEW CHAPTER ZYFLAMEND WHOLE BODY is a potent 10-herb blend that includes dual extracts of pure ginger to relieve occasional pain and soreness that can occur after exercise.

MEET THE EXPERT: Paul Schulick is the founder, master herbalist, and chief formulator of New Chapter. He the author of the book Ginger: Common Spice & Wonder Drug. 

Natural Remedies

For muscle soreness: Natural substances, used topically, help muscles relax and heal.

A relaxing evening bath with Epsom salt, which contains magnesium, or with bath salts that contain a combination of minerals, relieves soreness and enhances sleep.

  • Arnica gel, cream, lotion, or oil, rubbed on sore areas, speeds recovery.
  • A relaxing evening bath with Epsom salt, which contains magnesium, or with bath salts that contain a combination of minerals, relieves soreness and enhances sleep.

For achy joints: Glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid supplements, taken on a regular basis, can protect against damage during exercise and in daily life, and relieve discomfort.

  • Glucosamine and chondroitin nourish and help rebuild cartilage that cushions joints, and are often found in joint-health formulas.
  • Collagen, the “glue” that holds tissues together, is found in ligaments, tendons, and other components of joints and can help prevent their degeneration.
  • Hyaluronic acid holds moisture, which keeps joints lubricated, supple, and flexible.