Sweet Basil Ice Cream
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Makes about 1 pint
(4 servings)

1 can coconut milk
3/4 cup hemp seed milk
1/3 cup unrefined cane sugar
Pinch salt
1 cup fresh basil leaves, loosely packed
- Refrigerate unopened can of coconut milk for several hours, or overnight if possible. Open can, and carefully scoop off hardened coconut cream from top to make 1/3 cup.
- Combine coconut cream, hemp seed milk, unrefined sugar, and salt in blender, and purée until smooth. Lightly chop basil (reserve a few leaves for garnish). Add basil to food processor, and pulse 2 seconds, about 5 times, until basil is chopped small but bits remain. Do not over-process.
- Transfer mixture to ice cream maker, and freeze according to directions. Serve in small glass cups with fresh basil leaves for garnish.
per serving: 230 cal; 2g pro; 15g total fat (13g sat fat); 23g carb; 0mg chol; 70mg sod; 2g fiber; 21g sugars
See more dairy-free ice cream recipes: Frozen Delights